

An investigator’s profile page.

An investigator's profile page.


Your profile is visible to all Atlos users. It includes:

  • Your username
  • Your profile photo
  • Your bio
  • A list of the projects of which you’re a member
  • A feed of your recent updates
  • A list of the incidents to which you’re assigned
  • A list of the incidents to which you’ve subscribed
  • A list of the incidents you’ve recently edited

Note that investigators on Atlos will only be able to see updates and projects on your profile that they would otherwise have access to—if someone is not a member of a project, they won’t see your update to an incident in that project just because they navigated to your profile page.

Edit your profile

To edit your bio or profile image:

  1. Navigate to the Account page by clicking Account on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Edit your bio.
  3. Press Save after making changes to your profile.

To edit your username or email address, please email the Atlos team at

Password reset

Change password

To change your password:

  1. Navigate to the Account page by clicking Account on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the Change password button on the Account and Security pane.

Note that your current password is necessary to change your password; if you’ve forgotten your password and are attempting to change it while logged in, log out and complete the password reset process below.

Forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password:

  1. Click Reset password on the login page.
  2. Enter your email address.
  3. Complete the captcha.
  4. Click Send instructions.
  5. Follow the instructions you receive in your inbox.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Enable MFA

We implore all users enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for their Atlos account. To enable MFA:

  1. Navigate to the Account page by clicking Account on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the Multi-factor auth button on the Account and Security pane.

Generate backup codes

We encourage you to generate and save single-use backup MFA codes in case you lose access to your MFA device. To generate backup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Account page by clicking Account on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the Multi-factor auth button on the Account and Security pane.
  3. Enter your current MFA code and click Continue.
  4. Click Get Backup Codes.
  5. Click Download to store your backup codes.

Regenerate backup codes

If you have run out of backup codes or lost access to your codes, or someone you don’t trust has access to your backup codes, you should regenerate new backup codes. Your old codes will no longer work after you have regenerated new backup codes. To regenerate new codes:

  1. Navigate to the Account page by clicking Account on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the Multi-factor auth button on the Account and Security pane.
  3. Enter your current MFA code and click Continue.
  4. Click Regenerate Codes.
  5. Click Download to store your new backup codes.

Delete backup codes

If someone you don’t trust has access to your backup codes and you don’t want to generate new codes, you can delete your existing codes instead. To delete backup codes:

  1. Navigate to the Account page by clicking Account on the left sidebar menu.
  2. Click the Multi-factor auth button on the Account and Security pane.
  3. Enter your current MFA code and click Continue.
  4. Click Delete All Codes.